Friday, August 14, 2015

Still trading the Demand and Supply Technique (order flow trader)

Hi forex traders,

It's indeed quite a while since I blogged about my forex trading.

I've to admit that for the past few months, I've been exploring around to find other techniques that may complement the demand and supply technique - a forex trading technique that I've learned from Mr Benny Liang back in Nov 2013.

As usual, there's a lot of hit and misses. Luckily, I've kept my adventures treading other paths using tight money management. That really saved my capital. A lot of good lessons (and bad ones, too) learned.

You may wonder why I want to do so - the exploring. It could be down to my personality. You see, I just want to study more knowledge to give my trading a sharper edge. May be I'm just bogged down by too many information, techniques & skills; which led to my analysis paralysis; and causing my trading (and capital) to suffer.

Eventually, I realized that the supply and demand technique still provide a simple, sensible way to trade - not only forex, but also other trade-able financial instruments. For the time being, I'm keeping my forex trading to the KISS principle (keep it simple, stupid).

Fortunately, Benny's weekly webinars helps maintain my faith in the system during this period. That reinforces & helps me be mindful of the technique that he has taught us. And for that, I'm grateful for his dedications towards the workshop attendees. If you wish to understand more about the supply and demand way of trading forex, it's now being offered as the order flow trader program from AKLTG, please visit this link here.

At the same time, I'm also listening to the Diamond Sutra more frequently nowadays. Sometimes when I encountered a string of losses, it's my moment to let go and let the Divine Order guide you. Listening to the Diamond Sutra does keep me sane in this journey.

This was a trade that I've just closed. Simple, and trading in the path of least resistance.

Best wishes to your forex trading too!


Tony Chai


  1. Hey Tony, just wanted to give you some encouragement. I am from SG, an aspiring trader like yourself. I do meditation daily and read the diamond sutra and other zen text such as dropping ashes on the buddha by zen master Seung sahn.

    Keep in touch!

    1. My website:

      The abundance trader profile is an outdated profile I couldn't update, so I'm putting my website here to keep in touch.

      Best regards,

    2. Thanks Linton. I find your blog very commercialized but I guess you're free to do what you want.

  2. Hi Tony,can I have your personal email add or handphone no so I can contact you to ask u things that I want to know??thanks

  3. Hi Tony,

    I sent you an email on 8 Feb 2016, 8:02pm. I wish to exchange techniques of forex trading with you. Looking forward to your reply.


    Warmest Regards,
    Stanley Woo.

  4. Hi Tony,
    Thanks for share this post, it is a great achievement for us you told us in your post about supply and demand, because now we have a idea about the extention and contraction of demand and supply may you please tell me which one's factor be a main effects supply and demand except price?

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