Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mr Benny Liang

Hi Fellow Forex Traders,

Sometimes I wonder whether you can be a successful forex trader when you hold a full time job. After a hard day's work (sometimes a frustrating one if things happened in the office), it's sometimes tiring looking at the MT4 charts after taking my dinner & bath.

But the weekly webinars from Benny helps. It motivates me to go on. It refreshes my mind of the rules for supply & demand trading. I admit I'm still an amateur in forex trading. But his rules remind me that my success will be consistent if I hang on to them, practise them, and not giving up in applying, learning from failures and keep progressing. His dedications maintain my motivation.

Here's Mr Benny Liang's web-site if you want to know more about supply and demand forex trading.

And yes, I'm still meditating daily. It helps to maintain my focus when I looked at the charts. I also remind myself to be successful in anything, you have to keep practising and honing your skills.


Tony Chai