Saturday, January 31, 2015

Applying what I learned from Benny Liang Supply & Demand Trading Techniques

Dear fellow forex traders,

Learning what Benny taught about supply and demand (SD) was eye opening. There were rules to follow and I was initially overwhelmed about remembering them. It was greatly due to the fact that I didn't really trade forex before I attended his course in Nov 2013. I only had some experiences trading forex prior to that by designing & using automatic trading script. Unfortunately that resulted in a big draw-down in my account when a big stop loss that was deliberately set up in my script was finally hit. But to be fair I could have lost more if not for the stop loss.

I admit it was challenging during the 2 days class. I didn't understand what's going on in the charts being projected on the screen. I was dumb-founded when I couldn't pin point those zones that were apparently obvious to Benny and my course mates. But I have my passions in trading and I'm confident that this would be taken care of when I revised & practised more.

After the 2 days workshop. I started revising the rules. I set up a demo account in my MT4 platform to apply the rules on the charts. I was slowly learning how to get used to drawing out the zones and trendlines in the currency charts. I would practise entering trades based on my understanding of what I learned and could remember. In the beginning, most were losing trades.

It was almost a year since I took the course. I am still looking at the forex charts almost every day. I admit I made a lot of mistakes along the way. The money management skills that I adhered to since my options trading days have prevented me from blowing up my trading account.

Initially I wondered why the need to remember & apply all these rules just to locate a trade? It was when I traded the market live then I realized the rules were there to guide & protect me. They were there to remind me that trading is a probability game. They were there to guide me to locate a trade with a higher probability of success. Although they could not necessarily pick all the winning trades for me; they have at least played a big part in preventing beginner forex traders like me from taking impulsive trades where we could have no idea why we were entering such trades in the first place.

Now I truly understand why structure and location of a trade is important. It is looking at a particular currency pair from a bigger picture. Initially I struggle with this concept. Why do I need a bigger picture when the price movement were mostly moving contrary to the big picture direction in the lower time frame D1 (daily) and H4 (4 hourly) charts? Then it finally dawn on me of what I said earlier. The rules were there to guide us to locate higher probability trades. Yes, the retracement in the lower time frame chart looks contrary to the direction of the higher time frame ie. the big picture. But when the trend continues from the bigger picture view, the probability of the trade making at least 3:1 risks reward ratio is higher.

As such I am rather impressed with a lady trader in Vietnam called Ms Trang. She understood and applied Benny's trading concepts remarkably. She is diligent in revising & applying what Benny has taught. She is now making good money applying Benny's SD teachings. She has even become a good Samaritan to her fellow Vietnamese course mates to teach them how to trade as good as her by applying what Benny taught. I aspire to be as successful as her one day.

At this stage you must be wondering how is my trading doing. Not good at the moment I must admit. I am the sort of trader who is keen in learning & applying new things to enhance what I've learned. Applying the new skills do help me made some profits at times. But I realized that the supply and demand techniques still stand out most of the times. I just have to keep on applying the SD skills and learn what the forex market offers me in daily lessons. I will not give up in becoming a consistently profitable trader.

One thing is that meditation helps me to see the balance in the market. I am grateful that Benny is still offering the weekly webinars to guide me in my trading journey. I admit I'm the quiet trader who is absorbing what I am learning. I'm applying Benny's supply and demand (SD) technique daily. I understand that some day I will get it; and become consistently profitable with the SD skills.

Warmest Regards,

Tony Chai

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mr Benny Liang

Hi Fellow Forex Traders,

Sometimes I wonder whether you can be a successful forex trader when you hold a full time job. After a hard day's work (sometimes a frustrating one if things happened in the office), it's sometimes tiring looking at the MT4 charts after taking my dinner & bath.

But the weekly webinars from Benny helps. It motivates me to go on. It refreshes my mind of the rules for supply & demand trading. I admit I'm still an amateur in forex trading. But his rules remind me that my success will be consistent if I hang on to them, practise them, and not giving up in applying, learning from failures and keep progressing. His dedications maintain my motivation.

Here's Mr Benny Liang's web-site if you want to know more about supply and demand forex trading.

And yes, I'm still meditating daily. It helps to maintain my focus when I looked at the charts. I also remind myself to be successful in anything, you have to keep practising and honing your skills.


Tony Chai